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Veggie it Up, holiday peeps!

Hello friends! Tis’ the season for love, joy, peace and extra lbs.!!!! Ahh, as if being home and cooped up during this unique time isn’t...

Davenport Family Breakfast Favorites...

I've experimented with so many breakfast foods over the years and these are definitely some of our family favorites! Enjoy! Kid Approved...


Hello summer!!!! Ahh, how I do love me some back yard outings, socially distanced BBQ’s and watching kids play and run around in the...

Sweet Potato Cauliflower Burgers

SWEET POTOATO CAULIFLOWER BURGERS Makes 5 smaller patties Ingredients · 1½ pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and diced (2 med sized) · 4 cups...

Warm Quinoa with Zucchini & Almonds

a light side dish or lunch option that is a crowd pleaser and so versatile! I hope this article finds you feeling safe, healthy and...

Double Chocolate Banana Bread

Gluten Free / Dairy Free / Paleo / NEVER COMPROMISING TASTE! Yum, yum and yum! I can’t tell you how many different breads, muffins,...

7 Layer Greek Dip

Hello fellow foodies! I’m keeping things simple this month for you! I want to provide you with a go-to appetizer of mine that is easy,...

Antepasto ... No Better Time

I decided to make this recipe one that might reach the attention of most readers instead of those who are particularly health...

Simple Meal for a Busy Season!

Hello and happy holidays friends!!! This is by far my favorite time of year! There is something so beautiful, peaceful, joyful and...

Sweet & Salty Popcorn Balls

As a holistic nutrition coach who is focused on educating and empowering my clients to understand how food, stress, balance and lifestyle...

North Caldwell Spotlight Article.. R&N's roots

One of my earliest childhood memories is assisting my mom in the kitchen making a frittata, covered in olive oil while sautéing garlic...

For that BBQ... add these scrumptious sides!

Horray for spring and backyard BBQs! It is truly one of my favorite times of year! I love the smell of just about anything on the grill,...

C's Veggie-Turkey Chili

While I’m eagerly anticipating the earliest signs of spring, I’m hanging onto my winter recipes knowing it will be a while before I pull...

Vegan Crabcakes

To go vegan or not to? Vegetarianism or meat eater? High carb or low carb? Paleo or Mediterranean? How do we answer these questions? What...

Sheet Pan Salmon & Asparagus (Omega time!)

Hello friends and happy fall! What a beautiful time of year it is! Back into the routine of managing the logistical nightmare of our...

Giving Thanks with a little leafy green...

On any given day I will eat up to two salads. That probably has some people cringing while mouthing the word, “boring” because salads can...

Christmas Granola

I love making homemade granola. It's one of those things that's so simple, but which just feels really satisfying for some reason...

A little sesame does a body good....

Next to exercising and losing weight, eating healthy is up there on the list of top resolutions for the majority of Americans. The best...

Recipes: Blog2
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